- The project entitled “Development, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable eHealth-based solutions for achieving health care related Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon” has received grants from:
- The Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) of the German International Cooperation (GIZ)
- The World Francophone Numeric University.
- The project is conceptualized, developed and implemented under the leadership of the Cameroon Diaspora Network-Germany by the Koegni-eHealth Innovation for Development in collaboration with the Germano-Cameroonian Forum for Medical and Paramedical Sciences, Arzt Hilft!, and the Cameroonian Society for Health Informatics.
- Special thanks to Jembi Health System, South Africa for assisting in the implementation and the demonstration of the open platform electronic medical record system “OpenMRS” during the 7th Health Informatics in Africa conference 2011 and 3rd Cameroonian Days of Medical Informatics in Yaounde.