Target groups

Target groups

Strategic level: Decision makers at the Ministry of Health, strategic facilities for critical diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, maternal and childhood diseases, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, cancer, diabetes and its complications. This level is locally...


Electronic Patient Record (OpenMRS) eLearning (Moodle) Project management (Dotproject) ECMS (Enterprise Content Management Systems) Issue tracker (Eventum) Pictures archiving program and dicom viewer (dcm4chee)


The health system in Cameroon has to deal with several health problems which increasingly affect the economically active population (e.g. AIDS,Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, increasing rate of cardiovascular or other chronic diseases)in addition to maternal and...

Current Project

The eHealth initiative of the Cameroon Diaspora Network Germany – Development, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable eHealth-based solutions for achieving health care related Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon is conceptualized and leaded by...