The eHealth initiative of the Cameroon Diaspora Network Germany – Development, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable eHealth-based solutions for achieving health care related Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon is conceptualized and leaded by Koegni-eHealth.

Under the umbrella of the Cameroon Diaspora Network – Germany (CDN.G), professional organizations of the Cameroonian Diaspora in Germany (Koegni-eHealth Innovation for Development, Cameroonian Forum for Medical and Paramedical Sciences – CAMFOMEDICS and Arzt Hilft!) in collaboration with the Cameroonian Society for Health Informatics (CAHIS) have set up a highly specialized collaborative platform for addressing health challenges in Cameroon. This competence network is aimed at contributing to the achievement of related Millennium Development Goals in Cameroon as stated in the article entitled “Information and Communication Technology and the improvement of healthcare in less developed countries” published in the first CDN.G Magazine (Ref. Magazin Nr 1/2010, available at